Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mamma Mia! That's-a Spicy Meatball!

My adorable niece, Emily (7 years old), celebrated heritage day at school recently. She was to bring a dish of her heritage to contribute to the class. Being of strong Italian decent she chose to bring in her favorite dish . . . Nanny’s Italian Meatballs. Nanny, Hannah (my other adorable niece who is 10), and Emily spent all afternoon creating the famed meaty treats.

The next day they took them into school to share. Of course everyone agreed it was the best meatball they had ever eaten. Kids were pushing aside the other homemade traditional foods on their plates and racing back for seconds of Nanny’s famous meatballs. Emily’s “boy friend” Kayden even told Emily if she could cook like this for him every day he would marry her. Too freakin cute, eh? Everyone wanted to know how they were made, kids and parents alike. Sounds like heritage day was a complete success for Em.

Nanny wrote down the recipe to share with everyone so her special treat will live on for generations to come.

Nonna DiDonato’s Family Meatballs

1 lb ground beef (22% fat)
1 tbsp oregano
3/4 cup asiago cheese
1 small egg
1 & 1/2 garlic clove crushed
1 slice american white bread soaked in water (Wonder bread works well) salt pepper

How to make:

Grate the cheese
Mix all the ingredients above in a bowl (use your hands) Knead into a big ball Use a teaspoon or a tablespoon depending on if you want small or large meatballs Fry meatballs in olive oil and 3 cloves garlic until they are brown Add to tomato sauce and simmer for 2 1/2 hours



ReyLynda said...

HEY, tell Emily that if Kayden can cook like that for HER she'll consider marrying HIM.


Mamarazzi said...

LOL!! That is too freaking cute!! OMG!! I think Troi has some competition! I guess I better start teaching him how to cook...especially since Em is surely going to follow Auntie Rey's advice...


Mamarazzi said...

LOL!! That is too freaking cute!! OMG!! I think Troi has some competition! I guess I better start teaching him how to cook...especially since Em is surely going to follow Auntie Rey's advice...
