Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Yes . . . I have switched over to the Dark Side

Okay, I have been super busy this summer with a trip back east, family gatherings, a wedding, a few birthdays, canoeing and now at home with 4 exchange students. Things have been crazy and hectic but I'm totally enjoying it all. I can't wait to start posting about all of our wild adventures.

But, the real reason for this post is to tell all my faithful viewers that I have succumbed to the pier pressure and am now on MySpace. Which is what has really been sucking up all my time. I am addicted! I love that I can find a lot of my family members and many of my friends (new and old) on this handy little site. I am loving it! So, from now on I will primarily be using MySpace for all of my posts but will also try to continue this blog as much as I can for those of you who are still not enlightened. Thank you all for reading up on our family adventures. It means a lot to me to know you care enough to take time out of your day to see how we are doing.

If you do have a MySpace account or want to create one (it's free) please send me an e-mail or comment on here that you would like to find me on MySpace. If you try to find me yourself you may have some trouble. I am using a fake last name and have set my home zip code to look as though I live in The British Virgin Islands. So, please give me a shout if you'd like too hook up on MySpace with me. Thanks all! Love and Huggs!


Mamarazzi said...

Wow! I have been on MySpace for a while but found it very hard to keep up with everything. So I only do the blogger. I use the MySpace just to check in on my sibs.

Love you!

ReyLynda said...

Hey, that's funny....usually the peer pressure works the other way -- people start out on My Space and then end up in full traditional blogs writing storylines!

Glad you're enjoying My Space. Like Live Journal (another modern convenience but organized differently)they're fun tools for tidbits of little notes and cute tools to share your interests. You'll have to mail us with your link!