Monday, August 27, 2007

A Bit O Human Behavior

I have learned a lot through observing our human behaviors over the years. More so now than ever since having a child of my own. Nadia has been teaching me about many basic human instincts and behaviors which we are all born with. I’m not going to get into it all of that now though. I just want to share a story detailing one aspect of our human nature that I find amusing.

Pete was in the living room playing with Nadia while I was preparing yet another fabulous meal. I could see the two of them playing and Pete was letting her bounce on his belly. Pretty fun game, probably even more fun than jumping on the bed I’d assume. After a while Pete began to make a few groaning noises like it was beginning to hurt. Nadia of course paid no mind to him and kept on bouncing. She was having a great time. Finally he told her okay that’s enough for now. She persisted laughing the whole time. Pete kept trying to tell her to settle down and stop but she just wanted to keep on bouncing.

I started thinking this is a true behavior for all of us. It’s just so much simpler to see it in a child. We treat others exactly how they have allowed us to. If you let someone belittle you or talk down to you that’s how they will continue to treat you because you have given them the green light to do so. If you demand respect and love at all times that’s what you will receive. We as humans just want to “keep on bouncing” because that’s what you have allowed us to do.

Many of you may already know this simple fact. If you do, then congratulations. I just felt like sharing. It amazing to see how and when we humans begin to implement these basic life skills before life experiences get in the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is true. Children show us alot about human behavior. Some of our higher brain functions like morality don't even form until our teenage years and can continue to develop later in life.